Tuesday, January 11, 2011



   Sekarang rase macam diri ini sangat-sangatla tade gune. Tak beri faedah kat sape-sape pun ade kat dunie ni. Ade ke,tade ke,,same jek.. Silap-silap kalau tade lagi bagus kott..kan?kan? Dah diri ni tak diperlukan sape-sape, baek tak payah wujud terus kan? Setakat hidup menambahkan kesusahan orang lain baik tak payah.

"Sometimes the pain's too strong to bare...and life gets so hard you just don't care.  You feel so alone you just sit and cry...every second you wish you could die.  Then you start thinking who would care...if one day they woke up-and you weren't there."

   p/s : nobody trust me anymore. maybe I also can't trust myself....


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